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Frequently Asked Questions

Is my course accredited?

Yes! We are fully accredited and insured with ABT Insurance.


We can assure you your course is covered by one of the leading insurance companies within the Beauty Industry.

How Do I gain Insurance after my Course?

Once you receive your certificate after your training you can contact insurance companies to set up your own insurance policy, we will provide you with some companies you can enquire with. 

Will I Pass my Course?

We will ensure you are given all the help and support you need during the time at your course.


We will pass all students at the end of the course, if we feel like you need more assistance after the course is over we sometimes may offer you extra support.

What Should I Wear On The Day?

We want you to be comfortable during the duration of your course. We suggest you wear whatever makes you feel most comfortable! 

Suitable shoes and hair tied up is also recommended. 

How Many People will be on My Course?

The courses are currently 1-1 based so this will be a course where you’re alone with your educator to get the best out of the training. 

Can I Change or Cancel My Course Date?

Unfortunately all course deposits are non-refundable.


During some circumstances we are sometimes able to transfer the deposit to another suitable course, however this money would not be refundable.

Is There Kitchen/ Bathroom Facilities?

There is use of bathroom facilities. Unfortunately there is no use of kitchen facilities apart from a kettle.


It is recommended you bring a lunch with you for your break. 

How Do I gain Insurance after my Course?

Unfortunately not. You will be required to attend your course alone, if you would like to use a model on the day this is fine but we have a set time for them to attend. 

What Do I Need To Purchase after My Course?

We will supply you with a list of recommendations for items you need to purchase and also a list of suppliers.

Is There Parking?

Yes, there is on street parking available.


We politely ask that you do not block any driveways, pathways of the neighbours and park correctly/safely. 

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